Monday, September 19, 2011

Here's to Hopping...

I just joined the Art Blog Hop hosted by Mary C. Nasser. Check it out!

You will also note that I am the only one who failed to crop their thumbnail properly...of course! That says alot about me...I don't read, I just click away. Der! The important thing is that I will get to see what others are creating, get some inspiration and oggle the pretties. I hope there's some weird stuff too...and lots of vintage. :) See you around, Fellow Hoppers.

I conquered!

I finally got up the courage to create my own banner in Photoshop. This program has intimidated the heck out of me for awhile now, but, alas, I conquered! I am very proud of what I created. I do have a problem with overdoing it, so it might change a bit after I've let it sit for a spell. Soon, I'll post some images of what I've been up to's a teaser:

Until then...