Sunday, March 25, 2012

It was a breeze...eBook cover...

My friend Ellen E. Johnson's first eBook is coming out soon. It's a historical novel set in the American Colonies and it has all the elements of a great read. A firm created a lovely cover for her and she will be using that, but I wanted to play around with her story idea and make a cover too. Here's what I got:

Learned a lot, especially how to use Step Backward!...I even figured out how to draw that ruffly, vest-like thing over her dress. Best part of the experience was that I realized that I LOVED doing it. I knew I would enjoy it--I've wanted to make book covers since 2004, but I was so intimidated by the software--but now I feel like it's a calling of some sort. I still have a lot to learn but I'm ready for my next one. I may have to make up a story just to have something to do though. Or, here's a novel idea, maybe I should write a novel and then make a cover!!! Whoa. 

Have a great week!